The English quartet has its sights set directly into 2021 as it prepares to release the debut album Uppers (Sub Pop) on February 5, 2021. While the band may take its lead from those that came before them (i.e. The Fall, Gang Of Four, Buzzcocks, etc.), its sound remains its own allowing for a distinguishable identity. Today the band shares the latest video for its single “Press Gang,” directed by Joe Wheatly who directed the band’s last video for the single “Desolation.”
The video is inspired by frontman Charlie Drinkwater’s grandfather’s life’s work as a photojournalist and war correspondent on the UK’s Fleet Street from the 1950s to the early 1980s. The song is about the shifting role in the dissemination of information and ideas, and how the prevailing narrative that the “Death of Print Media” has contributed to a “post-truth” world.